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 Numbers are the basic terms to embark upon any counting. Can we make any calculation without the help of any number ? Moreover, can you even count your fingers without using any number ?
The answer is , No.

In this post we are going to learn about what the numbers really are and how could be classified on the basis of their properties.
Can you answer the question "What is a number ?"
The answer is " A number is an arithmetic value that represents a particular quantity. It is expressed by symbols, words and figures. It is used in counting and making calculations."
It probably looks like a theoretical note but, it is the explanation of a number.
Now we are moving towards Types of Numbers.
  1. Natural Numbers  - Numbers that are naturally used in counting are called natural numbers. They are denoted by N.

    These are ; (1,2,3,…so on.)

  2. Whole numbers – If o is also considered as a number then natural numbers and 0 together made set of numbers which are called Whole Numbers. They are denoted by W. They include all the Natural Numbers.

    These are ; (0,1,2,3,…so on.)

  3. Integers – If we combine all the Whole Numbers with the negatives of Natural Numbers then we get a new set of Numbers which are called Integers. They include all the Whole Numbers.

    These are ; (……,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,…so on.)

  4. Rational Numbers – If a Number can be written in the form of p/q where p and q are integers, then it is said to be a Rational Number. These are denoted by Q. They include all the Integers.

    These are ; ½, ¾..etc. and all the Integers.

  5. Irrational Numbers – Numbers which are not Rational are called Irrational Numbers. These cannot be written in the form of p/q.

  6. Real numbers – If Rational Numbers and Irrational Numbers are combined together then They are called real Numbers.

     Real Numbers = Rational Numbers + Irrational Numbers

  7. Prime Numbers – A Number having exactly two factors, one is the unity(1) and another is the number itself, called a Prime Numbers.

    These are ; 2,3,5,7,11,…so on.

    Note – 1 is not a prime number because it does not have 2 factors.

  8. Composite Numbers – A number having more than two factors is called a Composite Number.

    These are ; 4,6,8,9,10,… on

  9. Even Numbers – Numbers that are divisible with 2 are called Even Numbers.

    These are ; (….,-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6,….so on.)

  10. Odd Numbers - Numbers that are not divisible with 2 are called Odd Numbers.

    These are ; (….,-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6,….so on.)


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