You may probably know that - “ A percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100. A percentage may be expressed using the term itself, such as 25 percent, or using the % symbol, as in 25%.” But have you ever thought what could be the real life applications of Percentage? The calculation of various kinds of rates by way of percentages is the backbone of a wide range of mathematical applications, including taxes, restaurant tips, bank interest, academic grades, population growth, and sports statistics. The better understanding of a multitude of everyday concepts and activities will be determined, directly or indirectly, by an appreciation of the ability to perform the percentage calculation. Percentages play a key role in the following areas: 1.) Voting patterns and election results: Percentages are used to take the large numbers of persons who may vote in an election, and reduce the figures to a result that is often easier to understand. 2.) Automobile performance:...